An overview of the Friends quiz


If there is one thing that can stake a claim to being more popular than online competitions, it is online or real world quizzes. They are just so fun, and here at Winzum we certainly enjoy a pub quiz or two! And you know what else? The history of quizzes is actually fascinating as well, something yo...

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Winzum Spotlight: Cheba


You know what? There is an almost infinite amount of people doing exceptionally great things these days; from musicians to record labels, artists to exhibition places, restaurants to online chefs. Here at Winzum we love running online competitions, sure, but that’s not just it – we want to give some...

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The wonderful history of the Olympics


There is no greater sporting event in the world than the Olympics, you just cannot argue with that fact. Every four years over 200 countries from across the world come together, with athletes competing to see who can emerge as victorious in a number of disciplines ranging from shot-put to triple jum...

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Everything you need to know about PPI


PPI is something that most people who owned a credit card before around 2010 might know about from their credit statements, however for the rest of us it can be almost like a bit of a joke. You must have seen countless adverts on the telly a few years ago about PPI claims, right? And at Winzum we’re...

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