Winzum Spotlight: Off Licence Magazine

The Winzum Spotlight blog series is something we started in order to give ourselves the chance to shine a light on the various people we think are doing exceptional jobs in different fields. After all, we’re more than just an online competition platform, we’re a community.
One of the most important things in building a community is making sure that everybody gets the credit they deserve, hence the Winzum Spotlight! Last time out we delved into the exciting drum & bass trio The Sauce [Winzum Spotlight: The Sauce], ahead of our exclusive The Sauce USB giveaway [Check out the Winzum The Sauce USB Giveaway], and now it’s time to explore the underground print magazine Off Licence Magazine…
Who are Off Licence Magazine?
Put simply: Off Licence Magazine is a magazine stocked in off licences. No funny business. As they say themselves: “Off Licence Magazine was an idea conceived under the aesthetic and the influence of content in each and every bossman's convenience store”.
But this isn’t just a niche magazine about off licences, oh no. Off Licence Magazine have spent the last few years carving themselves out as the leading voice of UK underground hip-hop, jazz, R&B and lots more. It’s not all about music either, with Offie Mag covering a remarkably wide array of other cultural and culinary oddities.
Heroes of underground UK(ish) culture
Off Licence Magazine are here for the culture, there is absolutely no denying that, and one of the best thing about this publication is the fact that so many of the artists they champion get little coverage from elsewhere… Until they blow of course! For example, the seminal Blah Records crew appear on the cover of Issue 6, the first time the whole ensemble has been photographed together in a very long time.
Elsewhere is Brick Cellphone’s BURR series, where the key member of the Offie Mag team and resident DJ interviews a new hot-prospect of the hip-hop world each week. For so many of the artists featured in Off Licence Magazine it is their first time gaining print coverage, and the importance and beauty of that is difficult to overstate.
One of the leading lights in the print media resurgence
The print media world has been waning since the arrival of the Internet, however in recent times there has been a bit of a resurgence, and it’s people like Off Licence Magazine that are ultimately influential in making this happen. Here at Winzum we’re suckers for reading a physical print magazine, the experience is almost incomparable to reading online! This is yet another reason why we had to do a Winzum Spotlight on Off Licence Magazine, without them the independent print media scene wouldn’t be anywhere near as healthy.
Don’t miss out on the latest Off Licence Magazine issues and merchandise
That’s just about it from today’s Winzum Spotlight, however we couldn’t leave you without exploring how you can get the latest news from the Off Licence Magazine camp.
For the best place to keep in touch follow their aesthetically pleasing Instagram @offlicencemagazine, or alternatively give the website a gander at