4 of the best budgeting apps


Over at Winzum we specialise in delivering unique and exciting online competitions, whilst simultaneously making sure we are always looking out for our wonderful online competition community at the same time. It’s why there’s no spam on the menu with us, and also why your personal data is never for sale either.

Aside from the online competitions, however, we are also committed to spreading knowledge on a range of different topics. Money saving is something that everybody will need to consider in their lives, and we’ve a few different articles on our blog focussing on it available here: [a few of the best ways to save money], and [saving for a house? Winzum top tips].

It all got us thinking, how else can we help you lovely lot save here at Winzum? Budgeting apps are getting increasingly popular, and no wonder. Take a gander at our top 4 budgeting apps below…


As far as budgeting apps go Mint is one of the longest standing, and has an unparalleled reputation as a result. Mint is an extremely powerful budgeting app too, with the capability to track money coming in and out of various different bank accounts, as well as lenders and other financial institutions too.

Mint has more features than just helping you save, however, although the money saving aspect of this app is where it excels. You can set an endlessly customizable budget with Mint, and it will then pull together your spending from each place and make sure you don’t exceed your target.

You Need a Budget

Whereas most budgeting apps take on a similar experience in terms of their overall interface and user experience, You Need A Budget has a slightly more innovative approach. For every pound that you earn You Need A Budget asks you to assign it a specific “job” – anything from basic weekly essentials, through to mortgage or rent payments and savings.

This method of budgeting and saving really struck us here at Winzum, as it forces you to really think about everything you’re spending, especially in correlation with how much you actually earn – which is quite important, right?


Ever wished you had a physical guard on your pocket to stop you from spending? Well, PocketGuard isn’t exactly a physical money spending deterrent, but it sure can help you all the same. This app is perfect for those of us who fail to save, no matter what, mainly because of its advanced spending tracker.

This isn’t all though, because PocketGuard also has a really neat feature that tracks things like your phone and energy bills. Not only does it let you see exactly how much you are spending a month, but it also looks for cheaper alternatives and let’s you know what they are!


The digital world has been so deeply engrained in our day-to-day lives that it can be difficult to accurately remember what it was even like without it, however in regard to money saving, the app Mvelopes takes us back to basics. The app is made for so-called “envelope budgeting”, which is basically where you allocate a set amount of money for various categories throughout the month.

In this way Mvelopes is quite similar to the Monzo banking app, and it’s a great way to make sure you aren’t spending too much on things like takeaways, clothes, or pints!

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