Things to remember during a music trivia quiz (Top tips)

Answering trivia questions is one of the most fundamental parts of competing in quizzes such as pub quizzes or general knowledge quizzes, so it is important to get your trivia knowledge up to scratch before you enter one. We said as much here [Tips/tricks to maximise your quiz success], however at Winzum we always like to help out, so we thought we would drive home our point even more.
Oh yes, in the vast majority of cases a quiz question will revolve around some kind of trivia, and if you can make sure your knowledge in this is up-to-scratch you will have a much better chance of winning. Now, trivia comes in all different shapes and sizes when it comes to quiz questions, so to start with we have decided to list a few things to remember when it comes to music trivia quizzes.
Obscure one hit and two hit wonders
In most cases there are going to be at least a few music trivia quiz questions designed to catch you out, and the most popular way to do this is by asking questions based on obscure one hit and two hit wonders. Trust us, this is a popular way of making quiz questions difficult, just consider the various one hit or two hit wonder Buzzfeed quizzes around these days!
Alongside some other obscure quiz questions answers to remember (that you can find here [obscure quiz question answers to remember]), knowing your one hit wonders is key. So, who sung the noughties smash hit “Leave (Get Out)”, for example? We’re not going to tell you, you’ll have to research it yourself!
Know your genres and the stars from each
Another really important thing to know when entering a music trivia quiz is a bit about the various genres that have risen to become popular over the last several decades. There is bound to be a quiz question about something related to this in a music trivia quiz, so make sure you get to grips with it.
For instance, it helps to be able to reel off a few hits and artists from popular music genres such as disco or rock, as this will almost definitely help massively. Jimi Hendrix was a rock guitarist, Nirvana originated grunge, Diana Ross was a disco superstar… You get the idea.
Get to grips with the timeline of popular music
Whilst you may not be asked to give a detailed overview of the timeline of popular music in a music trivia quiz, there are bound to be some quiz questions related to general eras or movements.
Nobody can know it all, however if you take some time to get to grips with the timeline of popular music over the last century you will be in a much better position to make some informed guesses.
Revise your music festival history knowledge
Music trivia quizmasters absolutely love asking quiz questions related to the wonderful history of music festivals around the world, so this is definitely a bit of trivia to revise. When was the first Glastonbury Festival held, for example? That will be 1970!
And where did the legendary Woodstock festival take place? Many people can be tempted to say the UK, however it was actually in the state of New York.