How we are committed to data security at Winzum


At Winzum we just love to have fun, and are also committed to not taking life too seriously, however there is one thing that we never joke about: data security. Over the last few decades it has become essential to acknowledge the dangers of the online world, especially when giving your details in order to enter things like online competitions. You can read more about that here [importance of data security].

Winzum is designed to be a competition community before anything else, and this is why we stand completely against other suspicious online competition platforms that are planning on doing bad things with your data. With our platform you can win competitions, and feel secure in doing so too. No funny business.

No spam on the menu

Some people like tinned spam, and good on them, but at Winzum we are pretty sure that nobody likes actual online spam. There are few things more annoying than having to clear out your email inbox every few days, and unfortunately insincere online competition UK sites are often to blame.

We’re flipping the script here at Winzum, and ensuring that you will never be hit with spam from any of our brand partners. Entrants are free to choose how and when we get in touch, it’s up to you if you don’t want to know about the next competition with that incredibly amazing prize you have been wanting for ages.

You aren’t for sale

Personal user data is essentially the gold of the 21st century, with money hungry corporations intent on harvesting and selling as much as they possibly can. Nobody wants their own personal detail sold out, especially if it results in all manner of targeted advertisements for things you don’t even need.

At Winzum it’s always competition time, however we are unique in our pledge to always keep your personal data safe, and that means it will never be put up for sale. We wouldn’t want you doing it to us, so there’s no way we’d ever do it to you…

Following GDPR protocol

The EU General Data Protection Regulation act was implemented fully in 2018, finally giving us all a great deal more control over the way companies store and treat our personal data.

Over at Winzum we strictly follow GDPR protocols, and have made certain that we are in the prime position to enact this. For example, want us to delete your details from our database? All you have to do is ask.

A passionate coding team

Our Winzum computer boffins are extremely passionate about keeping our paid and free to enter competition customers safe online. The process of making payments is incredibly secure on the Winzum competition platform, with strict SSL compliant code resulting in an incredibly well protected user experience.

With Winzum you can win competitions, and also have complete peace of mind that your personal details are safe as can be!

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